Every year I promise myself I won't watch Big Brother again, but every year I can't help it! I know it's rubbish, but I'm drawn to it, though I never watch the celebrity version, or any programme with the word 'Celebrety' in the title. But I digress. Has anyone noticed the new symbol for this years show? The eye? looks like Madeleine's eye, but upside down. Of course it is probably a huge co-incidence, but just in case, I thought I'd mention it!
Hey, I don't smoke, never did drugs, only drink very occasionally, and never partake of the pleasures of ladies of the night!! Surely I'm allowed one vice?!? Besides, what else can I do untill Battlestar Galactica comes back??
Blimey Nigel, youre showing your age there. Janet and John? I learnt to read with them. I was born in 1953. Id stick to Spocky stuff. The future is far more exciting than the past. Glad to hear you are not that excited about BB any more as well. I ask you!!!
You mentioned the BB eye. I think that mark is supposed to depict a shine in the eye - sorry... I am artistic and its the sort of thing I might have done. I really dont think its anything to do with our little Madeleines' eye, really. Anyway, at least we are all thinking of her. I am being honest but I will NEVER forget her.
On another note Nigel, are we actually required to pay to be on this site or is it optional. Do you have to pay to run it? There is so much I have to learn about the internet and computers etc. I am on my first Janet and John re these technological advances. Please could you let me know. Email me if its better that way. Take care Nigel. :o)
Oh I am an old crumbly allright! I think it's Topsy and Tim these days? As for the Big Brother eye, it is more than likely a big coincidence. But, on the other hand, Big Bro's eye is the all-seeing eye, just like the eye on the one dollar bill. And there is a link from that to Madeleine, remember? And if Madeleine IS decended from who I think she is, well, who is the one overseeing all of us?! Just food for thought, that's all!
And no, you don't have to pay a penny, the site is paid for by the advertisments at the top, so I don't have to pay anything either.
(But if you WANT to send me any donations........!)
I like your avitar, by the way. does it mean your quackers?!?
Quack quack! Will you PLEASE stop quacking silly jokes Ducky? ....lol Great to see Friend made it to these boards. I am so glad. She can express herself more freely now. Its like the harvest him "....all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin."
I notice we have some more people joining generally but they havent posted any comments yet. I havent liked to say anything to them as I feel it would tread on the hosts' toes. Hope they are happy here. Anyway, must dash. Love m :o)
I hope EVERYONE feels happy tp post on this forum. I know most of us know each other from the VM boards, but this forum was set up for ANYONE with an opinion on the case to speak up, as long as it isn't derogatory to the parents. they have suffered enough, and there are other sites to post hate mail on. So come on chinadoll, SB, Micki and Fifi, don't be shy!
Seriously though, have you seen this morning's update on Matthew James site? Much talk of 'eye's in the sky' Sort of a veiled hint at Big Bro? I can't say I am really certain there is a link between BB and Madeleine, it probably IS just a bizzare coincidence, but just lately there have been so many 'wheels within wheels' cropping up in my life, I can't help wondering if I am drawn to these things for a reason? I only found out the Mario bit because I chose that exact moment to take a cup of tea to the wife, who was watching the live programme. I can't be bothered with the live stuff, partly because I'm not that sad, (!) but mainly because I hate getting 30 seconds of talk followed by 30 seconds of birdsong! How the hell are you supposed to follow any conversation?? Mario was talking to Belindabelindabelinda about one of his tattoo's, telling her it was summat to do with the freemasons, and then went on to talk about the masons in general. Of course the bleedin' birds kept chiming in at the worst moments!! But the question is, WHY did I walk in at that exact moment? What does it mean?? WHY ME????? AAARRRGHHHH!!!!!!
Stick to the birdsong Nigel, its far more interesting than the talk. You know I like Creation and nature. Its amazing how many people actually moan about the dawn chorus in the mornings. I LOVE to be woken up by it especially if its a Blackbird singing.
Did you ever see Highlander 2 when the planet was engulfed in a dust mist. Is THAT what these moaners would prefer I wonder.
Im really waffling on again - sorry. The boards are quiet at the moment, but I suppose its because its the weekend and only saddo's like me are scanning for messages - Er Hello, Is there anybody out there?.... I daresay there will be some up again soon. It must simply mean everyone on this forum is having a good weekend. I am still aware that there are some poor souls who may not be enjoying their weekend but I hope a certain little girl is as happy as could be expected under the circumstances. My heart is still with Madeleine and her family. Bye for now x
I do not like the new members of the house, especially the model. She will be a trouble maker. Belinda,Belinda,Belinda, don't think I would have the patience for her.
So Mario, the Freemason gets voted out. Lisa, his girlfriend, on two days in a row, says, "The universe is calling you for a reason?" Who, him, me or Madeleine?!? Why is my destiny radar twitching???
So now there are 9 evictions this week. Maybe Luke and Dale will escape being evicted. I definately want Rex and Darnell out out out as I cannot stand either of them, they are moaning minnies. Mohamad after them. I like look, think he is halarious.
Hi Vee8, Ade, Bubbles, Friend and everyone else who cares on here! Sorry, I havent been on for a while, and Nigel, I hope I havent offended you in any way. I had become a little obsessed on the boards and on the computer and my hubby wasnt happy about it at all as the vm board upset me a great deal. He told me to come off so I did for a while. Hes not a bully, just cares. The reason I was very upset was that I complained to vm that someone had posted many times in my name and also referred to Sonia. They didnt do anything about it. As youve probably worked out, I now post as 'Supporter from The Other Hand'. I thought you ought to know for sure if you dont already but of course I dont want the nasties on the boards to know for certain, for obvious reasons. I chose to be from that 'place' (the other hand) because some 'nasty' had said a few postings before that the Mccann supporters could be counted 'on one hand' and I wasnt having THAT! Also Nigel, I didnt like the personal attack on you a couple of days ago. I am so pleased that Kate and Gerrys arguido status has been lifted. I do hope they will be able to search for Madeleine without the hindrance of idiots now. God bless them, Madeleine, and ALL good supporters. Love to you all.
ps. I STILL cant seem to access my messages on here. :0/ x
M, you silly girl, of course you haven't offended me! How could you?! I must admit I did wonder who Supporter was, because it was obvious they knew me, though I didn't guess it was you. Very clever1 Obsessed? YOU?? You should hear my wife go on at ME!! As for personal attacks on the little board, they don't bother me anymore, I have suffered far worse on the big debates board. The anti's seem to view me as one of their biggst threats, maybe because I don't follow the PJ spin machine as closely as they do.
Anyway, back on to the subject of this thread, if anyone's interested, the car in Big bro tonight is a 1971 Chevrolet Caprice four door sedan. Or at least what's left of one!
Nigel, LOL cars. I did guess it was real but that is a mans thing. Glad to see you back on the board. The posts supporter from the other hand twigged it had to be someone who posts on here because of a name used in one of the postings. It could only have been one of five people. I knew it was not friend. but did could not figure out who! I have had to post in other names, not because I do this but my posts are not making the board. There are no posts on the little board, maybe the multiple poster is keeping a low profile. Nigel maybe would have heard something through the grape vine. Just cannot put my fingure on what is happening. It would be great to see Dinky and wife back on the board, was wondering how Baby is.
So Maysoon has walked the plank, it is a pity as she was quite a nice person. Will they still go on with the evictions this week or will the same ones be up next week. Read a headline today that they had to call in a psychatrist last night. What is going on. Mohamad, yeh! he is greedy but he is alright in other ways. Still want Rex and Darmell out.
Hi Vee8, I looked up Chevrolet Caprice 4 door Sedan on Youtube, and there was a lot of engine revving and purring and a view of the Vee8 engine thing which looked a lot like your tattoo. Seems that the sound of the engine is what appeals to the male species lol Bubbles, I will only post under the name of 'Supporter' on the vm board so anything else will definately not be me under any circumstances without telling you all first. Now I wont be on so much so I doubt there will be any trouble now. Ive just seen my new avatar...bit big and in your face isnt he. The duckling was SO tiny. I dont want to be too big. Mind you, Max is lovely. Final note tonight. I havent forgottenMadeleine. Tomorrow, I will spend the evening catching up on all your messages and comments. Til then xxx Maria
Ive just noticed that when we are on the board with Nigels Vee8 engine bobbing up and down, there is a sound coming through my speakers like a Vee8 engine, or is that my imagination and crackly speakers?
I am hoping that Luke stays in the house, it would be oh so dead without him. Rex must go he is a real pain in the ......... if he was my boy friend he would be put on a space ship to mars and left there. Darmell wouldn't be far behind him. Sorry chaps but that is my view on the situation. LOL
Madeleine hope it won't be long until you are back home again God Bless
Was that fixed or what, there was no way Luke was voted of. It was fixed for Rex to stay because they wanted his girl friend in along with him to see what the craic would be. This is what I truely dislike about this programme. Luke was unique and brought life to the house. He talked like a machine gun, thought they only did that over here
Borisbigun, I know I may be on the pension but I do still have a 20year old daughter so I have no options. Then it is a question of becoming addicted to it. I am going to miss Luke as the house will be so boring with Rex the obsessional moaner along with that Darnell, you couldn't like him if you reared him. Do you know what I mean
Oh' no I just cannot take anymore of Rex he is such a moan and a big girls blouse. Darnell is just Pewk AAAAAAAh I wanna scream very loud. Rex's girl friend is so false. I Miss Luke
Oh' my goodness what did you think of Nicole? Not a lot. A spoilt little child, I want my case. Glad she didn't get it. REX, i wish someone would wind his neck in.
Sorry my Friend Borisbigun couldn't resist it. Had to say something, don't want to let you down by not commenting
Borisbigun........don't even go there I looked at the garden and was so very upset as it is a total mess. The back garden has two layers which are paved and with borders. The weed situation is dreadful. It was only weeded about 5 days ago, what I could not do was killed with three hour weed killer. It has rained non stop since, now it is worse than ever. The front is landscaped and covered in pebbles, membrane is laid underneath so there is only a few that come out easily. As for the eyes my appointment is on Monday and if they give me a date for the op I will then be back to square one for another 8 weeks.
If there was anything decent on the TV I would not have to watch it. Darnell has to go and so does REX....I wonder would my three hour weed killer do the job LOL
Please will someone vote REX out of the house. People have the utmost cheek to call woman nags. Well, Rex beats them all, he reminds me of a woman with a scarf of her head, a fag in her mouth leaning on a garden fence talking about the neighbours. Imagine any girl having to live with him, I dread to think.