A friend of mine in the U.S.A. sent me this picture a couple of weeks ago, because he knew my love of alternative styles of locomotion, (Mad cars and bikes!) and knew I would love it! It is a custom motorcycle, but the engine is an aircraft engine, from a WWII Grumman Wildcat fighter! it must be making close to, if not more than, 1000 horsepower, compared to the average bike engine of maybe at most a 100 horsepower! My first thought was 'WHOA!' Awsome engineering! But just lately I spotted something else! Can you see it?
Ahh! Ive blown the picture up and now I see that what I thought was JR Ewing is not. In fact 'he' is a tail end of an aircraft. Is the rear wheel of the bike from the other plane by any chance and what significance would that have on the bike except that aircrcraft wheels are made of metal. Can you put us out of our misery in the next 24 hours please?
Whilst I am on board Vee8, I do like to take photographs with my new camera I got for Christmas. How could I send one occasionally? Would it be ok to do so on this blog,form,board? I know its a Madeleine board, but when nothing is happening on the Madeleine front, it is nice to chat and shre I thought, but this IS your space, so what you say is law here I know. Anyway, I'll watch out for the answer to your puzzle. :o)
BTW, whats happened to Boris, Bubbles, Friend and Deuce? They must be having a jolly good w/end
I'll give you a clue, it's to do with our Madeleine! Yes, by all means put up pics, just start a new thread if there isn't one already that covers the pic in mind. The pink ladies site has several non-Madeleine threads.
Boris, you are correct! Well spotted! I got the idea from friend, who e-mailed me to ask if I noticed one of the girls at Wimbledon was wearing one. I know many celebreties wear them, and have seen pictures in the press of then doing so. Sven Goran Erricson, David Beckham, Robbie Williams, to name but a few. Who's going to be next to find a picture of someone wearing a 'Look for Madeleine' wristband, and post it up here?!?
Hi all, It is nice to read all your posts. Harder to get a post on the VM board. Some of us have great difficulty. I see the evil one is back. It was really great when it was on holiday or maybe he got 14 days for his evil posts LOL. If you didn't laugh you would only COL and that is not worth it. Hope you are all well. Had some PM's from Friend this evening and she has finally got it right. It took me a while also to get the hang of it. Marie is posting well also must send a message.
http://store.findmadeleine.com/ The official Findmadeleine website store. Last time I checked they had run out of adult sizes, (Again!) but I imagine your wrist is more slender than mine. Mine needs replacing too, the ink tends to wear off after about six weeks, but that's only because I NEVER take them off! I have worn a teenager one in the past, the last time they ran out of adult sizes. It's a bit tight, but I'll NEVER stop wearing one till she's found.