I'm writing this lefthanded, because I did a boo-boo on the way to work, and crashed me motorbike! Broke my right elbow, and have a mahoosive bruise on right hip, but no worries, the bike hasn't got a scratch! (It landed on me!) Looks like a minimum of two weeks of work, and it hurts like a sonofabitch right now.
Oh God, I just had a thought. I'm right handed, how am I gonna wipe me bum??
Oh Vee8, what are you???????? Sorry to hear you got hurt. Hope your missus is looking after you ok. Hope you mend well and that you are soon geting about without too much pain.
Im back at work tomorrow, went to physio yesterday and shes helping me with 'pain management'.
Anyway, enough about me. I promised my DH that I would clean up the house today and keep off the computer abit more as it isnt helping my back and leg pain sitting for too long. In your case, I suppose you will be on more and more.
While I am here, Deuce mentioned on the Irish Gems thread that he had the 'Calling Card' Rory album. Would you be so kind as to tell him I have all his albums under Rory Gallagher now I think. He was in a band called 'Taste' in earlier years which do not appeal to me as much as his middle stuff. But what I wanted to tell Deuce is that Rory produced a very good album by that very name, 'Deuce'. I bought it in Cork when we were there a couple of years ago. If you feel like a taster of Rory throughout your boring time at home Vee8, have a look on youtube rorygallagher and check out Tattooed Lady (The Irish Tour 74 version is Ace!) Must get me Dyson out now my deary. Love Maria
Hi Nigel so glad the bike is ok funny woman, hope you have lots of pain killers you will need them but jut think you have all that time to post about little madeleine one finger of the left hand will do, and just dont have your poor wife running after you all day long, as you can tell by this message i am full of Sympathy for you friend, but i really do hope you are not in too much Pain bet you got a fright , Pearl told me about your accident but she said she could not get a message on to you, but you know she will by tomorrow,bye for now Ella x
Well, i went to bed last night in good spirits, the banter on the pink ladies site had helped me to smile through the pain! But after I went to bed i began to suffer a rapid humour systems breakdown, and by 1.00am i am ashamed to admit i was in tears! (men, such wimps! Dunno how i would cope with childbirth!) Eventually my poor wife had to help me downstais to the lounge, where i spent the rest of the night propped up in an armchair. i went to the fracture clinic this morning, but he said he wouldn't plaster it, as elbows can get locked solid if not exercised as far as the pain will allow, so i now have one of those pink ribbon thingies holding me arm up. And six weeks off work! i'll be bored sh*tless by then! But at least i have found out i can wipe me bum left handed, as long as i take a shower afterwards!
Oh Nigel, I am so sorry to hear you are in such pain, really I am. You are not a wimp if you are suffering, you are human. I hope you feel a little better by the time you read this.
I will say a little prayer for you this evening friend.
Now, as to your bum, will you PLEASE behave. I know this is your forum, but there are ladies who frequent this place. We are not able to help you on that score. Your wife will have to deal with that.
Well Nigel, I most certainly won't be able to help with the wiping.....your on your own there sorry.....
Sorry to hear that you were wrestling with a motor bike.. now you know that is not a such a good idea. You know what they say It isn't the fall that hurts, it is when you hit the ground that does the damage.
Stay safe when on those machines. When I went around on a Norton Jubilee the traffic was not the same as it is now, So do be careful.